MicroBT Whatsminer M20S 65Th

MicroBT Whatsminer M20S 65Th

M20S 65Th is an asic miner released on november 2019 from MicroBT Whatsminer mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 65.00Th/s mining for a power consumption of 3120W.

Minable coins


Manufacturer MicroBT Whatsminer
Model M20S 65Th
Released on November 2019
Hashrate(±10 %) 65.00 Th/s
Power consumption (0±10%) 3120 W
Size (H*W*L) 390*220*130 mm
Weight 12.5 Kg
Noise level 75 Db
Fan 2
Interface Ethernet
Temp 5-45 °C
Humidity 5-95 %
MicroBT Whatsminer M20S 65Th

M20S 65Th is an asic miner released on november 2019 from MicroBT Whatsminer mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 65.00Th/s mining for a power consumption of 3120W.


Coin Price Hashrate Power Cost Income Daily Profit


$0.000025 65.00 Th/s 3120 W $7.49 $3.82 154,135.362676 (XEC) -$3.67


$96,606.00 65.00 Th/s 3120 W $7.49 $3.71 0.000038 (BTC) -$3.78


$0.449689 65.00 Th/s 3120 W $7.49 $3.67 8.162159 (PPC) -$3.82


$316.01 65.00 Th/s 3120 W $7.49 $3.57 0.011304 (BCH) -$3.92

Fractal Bitcoin

$0.000000 65.00 Th/s 3120 W $7.49 $0.00 3.238066 (FB) -$7.49

With an electricity rate of $0.10 per kilowatt-hour, MicroBT Whatsminer M20S 65Th mining profitability is at -$3.67 per day, equivalent to mining 154,135.36 XEC within a 24-hour period.

Compared to others asic miners, the MicroBT Whatsminer M20S 65Th miner is currently ranked as the number 196 most profitable ASIC miner among all the ASIC miners listed on ASIC Miner Compare website.

Where to buy

Vendor Country Stock Price ROI
In stock $630.00 - Buy


Manufacturer MicroBT Whatsminer
Model M20S 65Th
Released on November 2019
Hashrate(±10 %) 65.00 Th/s
Power consumption (0±10%) 3120 W
Size (H*W*L) 390*220*130 mm
Weight 12.5 Kg
Noise level 75 Db
Fan 2
Interface Ethernet
Temp 5-45 °C
Humidity 5-95 %

Where to mine eCash


At the current XEC price of $0.000025, the MicroBT Whatsminer M20S 65Th is mining $3.82 a day before power cost is subtracted.

With your electricity cost of $0.10 per kwH, the daily profit of this miner would be -$3.67.

It currently mines 154,135.36 XEC a day.

Its lowest cost is at $630.00.

It can be bought at X-ON MINING.