Name | Nexel-AI |
Symbol | NXL |
Algorithm | Karlsenhash |
Block time | 0.9957s |
Last block | 22,738,650 |
Block reward | 12.00 |
Current Difficulty | 549 |
Current Nethash | 2.37 Th/s |
Mining calculator
Looking to mine Nexel-AI? Our Nexel-AI mining calculator can provide an estimate of the profit you can expect to make, based on up-to-date data. Use it to determine whether investing in Nexel-AI mining equipment is right for you.
Mining profitability
If you're mining Nexel-AI coin, it's important to understand your profitability over different periods. Here are the key figures for your mining earnings :
Period | Earned (NXL) | Fees (NXL) | Cost | Income | Profit |
Hour | 4,338.656222 | 0.000000 | $0.15 | $0.88 | $0.73 |
Day | 104,127.749322 | 0.000000 | $3.60 | $21.07 | $17.47 |
Week | 728,894.245255 | 0.000000 | $25.20 | $147.46 | $122.26 |
Month | 3,123,832.479663 | 0.000000 | $108.00 | $631.95 | $523.95 |
It's important to note that the longer-term data, such as the week and month periods, are subject to more speculation and fluctuation than the shorter-term data. As such, it's important to monitor your earnings regularly and understand the potential risks involved in long-term mining of Nexel-AI coin.
Market chart
Name | Nexel-AI |
Symbol | NXL |
Algorithm | Karlsenhash |
Block time | 0.9957s |
Last block | 22,738,650 |
Block reward | 12.00 |
Current Difficulty | 549 |
Current Nethash | 2.37 Th/s |
Mining pools
This coin has been recently added to our website, we are currently working on its integration.