

Name Aleo
Symbol ALEO
Algorithm zkSNARK
Block time 11.5974s
Last block 3,957,048
Block reward 76.65
Current Difficulty 4,443,222,316,935
Current Nethash 383.31 Gh/s

Mining calculator

Looking to mine Aleo? Our Aleo mining calculator can provide an estimate of the profit you can expect to make, based on up-to-date data. Use it to determine whether investing in Aleo mining equipment is right for you.


Mining profitability

If you're mining Aleo coin, it's important to understand your profitability over different periods. Here are the key figures for your mining earnings :

Period Earned (ALEO) Fees (ALEO) Cost Income Profit
Hour 2,379.446180 0.000000 $0.15 $0.00 -$0.15
Day 57,106.708308 0.000000 $3.60 $0.00 -$3.60
Week 399,746.958157 0.000000 $25.20 $0.00 -$25.20
Month 1,713,201.249245 0.000000 $108.00 $0.00 -$108.00

It's important to note that the longer-term data, such as the week and month periods, are subject to more speculation and fluctuation than the shorter-term data. As such, it's important to monitor your earnings regularly and understand the potential risks involved in long-term mining of Aleo coin.


Name Aleo
Symbol ALEO
Algorithm zkSNARK
Block time 11.5974s
Last block 3,957,048
Block reward 76.65
Current Difficulty 4,443,222,316,935
Current Nethash 383.31 Gh/s

Mining pools

Asic miners

Any missing device ? Let us know.